
Counter strike source vs go
Counter strike source vs go

  • June 14th - keita is signed as Complexity Gaming's coach.
  • June 11th - NRG Esports acquire stanislaw.
  • dephh takes over the role of in-game leader.
  • June 3rd - Complexity Gaming replace stanislaw with oBo.
  • March 22nd - SicK joins compLexity Gaming, n0thing's stand-in period ends with team.
  • counter strike source vs go

  • March 22nd - ANDROID is acquired by Team Envy.
  • March 1st - yay announces his free agency and leaves compLexity Gaming.
  • December 28th - compLexity sign Rickeh and announce that n0thing will stand-in for the team through IEM Katowice 2019.
  • counter strike source vs go

  • December 22nd - compLexity bench ANDROID.
  • December 20th - compLexity bench yay and release Rambo.
  • September 17th - s0m rejoins as a full-time streamer for compLexity.
  • August 17th - keita joins as an analyst.
  • July 25th - s0m is released from his streaming contract after improvement in compLexity's performance shelving plans for a possible trial on the team.
  • May 24th - ptr is acquired by Team Dignitas.
  • April 27th - stanislaw and ShahZaM join compLexity, replacing ptr and bringing an end to Slemmy's stand-in period.
  • April 4th - Slemmy comes out of retirement to act as a long term stand-in for compLexity.
  • counter strike source vs go

    April 2nd - FNS leaves to join Cloud9.February 21st - s0m joins compLexity as a streamer.Professor_Chaos is also brought on as Analyst. Rambo is signed as Coach with Warden moving to the position of manager. January 30th - compLexity acquire FNS from Counter Logic Gaming, replacing Slemmy.September 7th - witmer is released, APE joins after standing in for coL at Northern Arena Toronto 2016.August 3rd - Uber joins compLexity, sancz moves to backup.

    counter strike source vs go

  • June 23rd - fRoD retires from Counter-Strike, and joins FaZe Clan's Overwatch team.
  • May 6th - compLexity Gaming announce that they have revamped their logo and website, under the name of "compLexity 2016".
  • In addition witmer, is no longer on trial.
  • May 3rd - androidx23 officially joins, replacing shinobi.
  • April 20th - roca leaves to join Echo Fox.
  • Two days later, compLexity announce that Surreal will be replacing roca in the lineup, however roca will remain in the team to complete their ESEA season.
  • April 5th - nerdRage announce that Surreal will be trialing with compLexity.
  • March 14th - Jason Lake announces that fRoD will be moving to a backup position and witmer will be trying out in the coming weeks.
  • February 5th - shinobi and dephh officially join compLexity.
  • January 15th - The addition of shinobi and dephh to compLexity Gaming is leaked in an interview on TopFrag.
  • January 14th - ryx and SicK leave compLexity Gaming.

  • Counter strike source vs go